A collection of articles, thoughts, and energy-saving tips from our crew here at Amber.
He's a jazz aficionado and a badboy at basketball, but it's Jordan's exceptional support and empathetic care that’s made him our customer champ.
This acquisition is a perfect fit for Amber’s customers, as it gives them the potential access to their real-time energy usage data for the first time
Whether for his metering expertise, dry wit, or his willingness to lend a hand, Lachie has earned legendary status among our customers and team alike.
Solar’s breaking generation records, resulting in negative FiTs during the day. Here’s how to avoid exporting when prices get super low.
Why we created Amber for Batteries: a unique combination of SmartShift™ tech and wholesale prices designed to put battery owners in charge.
Get to know Dolores, our joint CX Champ for September, alongside the awesome Dylan. When she's not helping Amber customers, she's kicking ass at MMA.
A beach boy at heart with a passion for climate action, Dylan's stoked about a renewable future where batteries, not fossil fuels, feed the grid.
Andrew Lean got his solar and battery to do his bit for the climate. Then he needed to make it work for him financially.